Our Services

  • We provide technology that enables our customers to become remote ready. This service prepares your project to be managed remotely, and we do that by helping set up proper communications, cybersecurity, and sensors.

    We provide strong communications systems through our resources that include several satellite providers globally.

    Additionally, we offer 4G and 5G networks where available. Redundancy is implemented with multiple providers for stability and reliability.

  • Remota® offers monitoring as a service, which makes autonomy safer by putting humans in the loop.

    When you work with Remota®, we look after challenges of autonomous operations, such as safety and security, collision avoidance, cybersecurity, connectivity, communication, and more. We support safety and security by monitoring, alerting, and advising on the operation. Collisions are reduced and avoided altogether because we can assist with route optimization.

    Cybersecurity, connectivity, and communication is a high priority at Remota®. In our processes, we include SOC and NOC to ensure these aspects run smoothly.

  • We provide technology and all-inclusive, state-of-the-art facilities for on-demand operations. Our facilities consist of multiple ROC for ROV, which are currently servicing ROV operations on the Norwegian and UK Continental Shelf.

    We provide 24/7 service with Security Operation Center (SOC) and Network Operation Center (NOC).

Our Products

Remota ROV™

Supported Operations

Subsea operations

Engine room control

DP operations

Gangway operations

Crane operations

Fleet monitoring


Technology Partnerships

At Remota®, we embrace a technology-agnostic approach. Our goal is to provide robust infrastructure solutions that satisfy our customers’ needs, regardless of their chosen technologies or industry segment. We truly believe that open collaboration and innovation are essential drivers for the green and digital transformation in the maritime sector.

The support from industry-leading technology vendors enables us to be flexible and deliver cutting-edge services to our clients. Are you interested in becoming a Remota technology partner? Reach out to us today!